Hall Genealogy Old Occupation Names
The Flag of St George & England
Updated Tue, 12-Feb-2019
Old Name
New Name or Meaning
Wadsetter (Scottish) Creditor to whom a "wadset" is made. A wadset is a right by which lands, or other heritable subjects, are consigned to a creditor as a security for debt
Wafer Maker Made the wafers taken in Holy Communion
Waggoner Wagon or 4-wheeeled cart driver
Wailer Removed impurities and foreign bodies from coal in the mines
Wainwright Maker or repairer of wagons - "wains"
Waister Seaman stationed in the waist of the ship
Wait / Wakeman Night-watchman
Waiter / Tide Waiter Customs officer who waited on the (high) tide (when vessels arrived) to collect duty on goods imported
Waker A person whose job was to wake workers in time for early morning work
Walker "Walked" over cloth after weaving, after wetting, to clean and thicken it - see Fuller
Waller 1) Brick or dry stone wall builder 2) In the Cheshire salt-works, makers of coarser grades of salt used in industrial processes, chemicals, fisheries and potteries.
Wanter / Want Catcher Mole catcher
Warder Jailer
Wardrobe Dealer Dealer in second-hand clothing
Warper 1) Set up the "warp" (thread) on looms 2) Moved boats by hauling on their "warps" (ropes)
Warrener A warrener maintains rabbit warrens, traps them and produces rabbit meat for the Laird. Warrens were the property of the lord of the manor
Washman Tin coater (tin plater)
Wasteman 1) Waste remover 2) Checked and maintained that mine workings were free of gas
Watch finisher Assembled time pieces (did not make the parts)
Watcher Employed as security in Customs bonded warehouses - to Watch the goods.
Watchman Town night-watchman
Watch Making .... Various occupations in the Watch-Making Industry - See
Water Bailiff 1) Maintained fishing rights on (usually) rivers - still in use 2) River based customs official
Water Gilder 1) Gilded metal surfaces by applying liquid amalgam, the mercury being afterwards removed by evaporation. 2) Trapped water fowl
Water Leader / Leder / Loder Transported and sold fresh water
Waterman 1) Boatman who plies for hire - usually on rivers  More Info. 2) Waterman (waterworks) ; sluice man, valveman, water valve man  controls sluices or valves by which water is let into and out of reservoirs. 3) (Also Drowner) A man who understood irrigation. He was appointed to control the watering of the common water meadows, especially in Dorset, Wiltshire, Avon and Hampshire.
Wattle Hurdle Maker Made wattle hurdles - panels of wattle fencing
Waulker / Waulkmiller Cloth worker - see Walker
Waver Weaver - from regional pronunciation
Way Maker Road builder
Way Man Road surveyor
Wayland A smith
Weather Spy Astrologer
Weaver The operative of a loom producing cloth  More Info.
Webster / Webber Operator of looms; weaver - originally a female weaver
Weigher / Weigh Clerk Weighed landed goods on the dockside
Well Sinker Well digger
Wellmaster In charge of the village well and responsible for clean drinking water
Wellwright Made the winding gear for wells
Wet Glover Leather glove maker
Wet Nurse Woman who breast-fed babies for others
Wetter 1) Dampened paper for printing 2) Glass making worker
Whacker Horse or ox team driver
Whalebone Dresser Prepared whalebones for corsetry and other purposes
Wharfinger Owner or manager of a wharf
Wheel Tapper Railway worker - tapped wheels to detect cracks from the resultant ring
Wheeler 1) Made wheels 2) Spinning wheel attendant 3) Led pit ponies underground in the pits
Wheelwright Made or repaired wheels; wheeled carriages, etc.
Wherryman Ran a "wherry" - a large flat-bottomed sailing boat, used typically on rivers
Whig (Scottish) Horse driver
Whim / Whimseyman Employed driving mine winding gear carrying men and materials up and down mine shafts. More Info.
Whipcord Maker Whip Maker
Whipper-in Managed the hunting hounds
Whipping Boy He was whipped in place of royal miscreants. Not a coveted position!
Whit Cooper Made barrels and other items from tin
White Limer Plastered walls with lime
Whitear Hide cleaner
Whitesmith A person who worked with "white" or light-coloured metals such as tin and pewter. Whitesmiths fabricated items such as tin or pewter cups, water pitchers, forks, spoons, and candle holders, possibly also in the clothing industry, making or finishing buckles, buttons etc.
Whitster / Whitester / Whitener Cloth bleacher  More Info.
Whitening Roll Maker Made whitening (whitewash) for whitening walls
Whitewing Street sweeper
Whittawer 1) Made saddles and harnesses 2) Prepared white leather
Willeyer Fed fibres into a "willeying" machine to separate and comb them for carding, often blending fibres in the process
Willow Feeder Operated a self-acting Willow - a waste cleaner in cotton or woollen mills - Drawing
Willow Plaiter / Weaver Basket maker
Winder 1) Transferred yarn onto bobbins or perns, ready for weaving  More Info.   More Info.
2) Operated the winding gear at a mine pithead
Windster Silk weaver
Wire Drawer Made wire by drawing the hot metal through dies
Wireworker Works with wire to produce mesh, cages, grilles etc.
WOAD Dyer Produced and dyed cloth using Woad. More Info.
Woodbreaker Made wooden casks

Wood Ranger/Reeve

Employed in maintenance & protection of woodlands
Wool Comber Worked machinery combing - separating - fibres for spinning
Wool Driver Carried wool to market
Wool Factor Wool merchant's agent
Wool Grower Sheep farmer
Wool Billy Piecer Pieced together broken yarns in the mill
Wool Stapler A dealer in wool. The wool-stapler buys wool from the producer, sorts and grades it, and sells it on to manufacturers
Wool Winder Made up balls of woollen yarn for sale
Woolsted / Worsted Man Woollen cloth seller - derived from worsted
Wright Skilled workman, especially in constructing items. Used together with the trade i.e. wheelwright
Wyrth Labourer
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